Serving Rural Oklahoma and Kansas since 1982
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Our Mission
We are servant leaders and technicians who believe that water is life! Our mission is to provide the highest quality drinking water available to the communities we serve while protecting the natural resources and environment in which we operate.
Who We Are
Utility Management and Construction (UMCCo) was founded in 1962 by Raymond Lucas as the Lucas Construction Company. In 1982, Lucas Construction changed its name to Utility Management and Construction. From that time, UMCCo has increased operations from the original three contracts that provided water-systems management for 1200 customers to nine contracts serving over 5000 customers.
At UMCCo, we’re experts in our field! We are engineers, accountants, billing clerks, and field technicians that genuinely care about communities we serve. This is because, like you, we live in these same communities. Your drinking water is also our drinking water. In fact, the average age of our contracts are over 24 years old. Our longevity is proof of our quality and commitment to you.
What We Do
Utility Management & Construction Company (UMCCo) specializes in the management and operations of small utility systems (Rural Waters Systems or Public Trusts or Authority). UMCCo is a turnkey provider of services including record keeping, reporting, budgeting, customer correspondence, billing, engineering, system improvements and all field services including 24-hour emergency response. UMCCo provides operations, maintenance, and management services tailored to our customers’ specific needs.
UMCCo has fifteen (15) full time employees, all field personnel hold Class "D" or higher water and sewer licenses. UMCCo has expertise in water system management including DEQ requirements and regulations, water treatment, utility engineering, utility accounting, and gas distribution including OCC and DOT requirements and regulations.
UMCCo is a full-service utility contractor providing engineering, construction, and construction supervision for every size project.
UMCCo personnel have experience negotiating contracts with the OCC as well as with suppliers, vendors, and other service firms. Our buying power and inventory management allows us to pass on lower costs to our customers.
UMCCo uses the latest technology and telemetry to monitor each system we manage. This allows us to respond before a catastrophic condition occurs. UMCCo provides the latest in billing and collection technology to our customers to include cash, check, ACH, auto-draft, and online bill pay services. At UMCCo, automated workflow management systems and highly qualified technicians ensure that problems are addressed quickly and correctly. At UMCCo, we bring large utility services to small communities!
Who We Serve
Burbank Public Works Authority
Elm Bend Rural Water District, Inc
Evergreen Rural Water District #18
Grand Lake Public Works Authority
Nowata County Rural Water & Sewer District #1
Osage County Rural Water District #1
Washington County Rural Water District #1
Washington County Rural Water District #2
These systems include both purchased water systems, treated surface water systems, and treated well water systems.